Advanced R-Link technology with expanded functionality
With over 20 years’ experience in preventing workplace health and safety issues, Reactec introduce R-Link, our third generation workplace wearable with expanded functionality.
Our new R-Link smart watch provides enhanced capability from our original HAVS monitoring wearable, HAVWEAR, to protect your workforce from multiple industrial risks on a single device.
With the R-Link watch, fully integrated eco-system, and the powerful Reactec Analytics, you have an unprecedented view of your employees’ environment to deliver effective risk prevention and open new avenues to improve operational efficiency and safety:
- Keep workers safe with proximity warnings to moving vehicles or equipment
- Gain real insight of exposure to vibration and readily show compliance
- Create exclusion zones, based on workers’ credentials, to restrict access
- Analyse near-miss occurrences to identify site hotspots and refine controls
The R-Link eco-system and cloud-based analytics are easy to deploy, and simple to use. With advanced technology, R-Link allows you to cost effectively gain absolute control of your operations, therefore preventing workplace health issues, while having unprecedented insight into productivity drivers.
Proximity Warnings
R-Link can help keep workers safe from straying too close to dangerous vehicles or equipment.
Using the latest ultra-wideband technology for fast accurate detection, alert workers to impending dangers.
Alerts and Insights
Employee alerts alone is not enough. Reactec Analytics provide intelligent insights on the who, where and how often near misses occur allowing you to prevent future problems.
Exposure to Vibration
Gain real use insight of exposure and be proactively and securely informed of your highest risk employees and key risk drivers.
Readily show compliance with recorded and evaluated control measures at the touch of a button.
HAVS Prevention
The R-Link smart watch can gather HAV exposure data based on two methodologies - TEP and SEP.
Tool Exposure Points (TEP) are calculated using the HSE risk assessment Exposure Points system, combining the length of time a tool is in use (trigger time) with the vibration value that is programmed on the tool Tag. The validity of the value programmed in the HAVWEAR Tag is a responsibility of the employer to be “representative of the tool use by their operators”. A number of sources for the pre-defined magnitude can be used and the HSE will look for justification of choice.
Sensed Exposure Points (SEP) are calculated at the same time by the same HSE risk assessment methodology except that the vibration magnitude is real-time vibration magnitude as determined by R-Link. The R-Link watch takes a precision measurement at the wrist and corrects this measurement for the transmissibility through the hand. This yields a good real-time approximation of actual risks faced. If SEP is used as the sole assessment it should be done on the basis of being confident that the assessment does not under-assess the vibration magnitude. There is ample guidance from HSE on typical tool vibration magnitudes to allow a determination on the suitability of R-Link sensed vibration magnitude.

“While we were using R-Link, I found the system very easy to use, the information received indicated the need to alter working methods & choice of tools to be used, it also highlighted that the tools we thought would be the highest values were not because of the use of clamps. Using the system showed that generally we were under the HSE calculator levels."
Ecosystem - How it Works

R-Link is a holistic eco-system to link you to your employees, dependent only on an internet connection through a public mobile phone network or local wi-fi.
Assign an R-Link watch at the start of the working day. Your employee or visitor’s credentials, as entered in the Reactec Analytics software, will then control what type of protection they receive throughout the day.
The R-Link watch has no GPS and does not track location. Watches operating in a high risk area monitored with a mesh of GPS enabled R-Link beacons will receive protection such as evacuation or man-down alarms.
Use R-Link beacons to create a no-go zone around dangerous plant, or a mesh of beacons to collect live data and create complex but flexible geofenced exclusion areas.
A single R-Link gateway located at the end of a beacon mesh or at the watch charging areas, automatically and safely transmits data to the powerful cloud-based Reactec Analytics software under GDPR compliance.
The Reactec Analytics turns the R-Link data on risk levels, near misses and employee activity into intelligence to create a safer, more sustainable work environment.
Just some of the industries we serve
Contact us
For more information about how R-Link's proximity warning system can prevent accidents involving pedestrians and plant, talk to one of our experts today: