An independent report by the IOM on the validity of the data produced by Reactec’s HAVWEAR to inform a suitable and sufficient risk assessment

Independent publications - HAVS


The Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) was requested by Reactec to conduct an independent review of data collected using the HAVWEAR system and subsequently provided a report in January 2018. The IOM review concluded that data gathered by the HAVwear system provides a useful source of information to inform a suitable and sufficient risk assessment. Also that data gathered on a regular basis can inform the development of risk reduction control measures and can be used to identify trends in risk reduction as part of a risk management program.

The IOM is also of the view that, as the HAVWEAR system assesses vibration exposure during the entire use of the tool, it may therefore be more accurate than the use of trigger times and manufacturer’s data or other data sources compiled for a limited range of tool activity.

Endorsed by the IOM

Endorsed by the IOM

The Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) conducted an independent review into the validity of Reactec's HAVWEAR technology as a tool to inform HAV risk assessments. Watch this video to hear a discussion of the results.

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