The ISO 5349-1 standard, 2002/44/EC directive, and Japanese guidelines are focusing to the vibration magnitude of the tool handle. This vibration magnitude evaluation is assuming that when the different worker will use the same vibration magnitude tool, this means that the human response to vibration effects is the same In this paper, we showed the data between the average vibration value used during risk assessments of one specific tool used and the histogram (Figure 8).
These results are showing the factors likely to influence the effects of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration in workplace conditions of Annex D of ISO 5349-1, Mechanical vibration — Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to handtransmitted vibration — Part 1 General requirements. And also, these results might be shown the following effect of ISO/CD 15230 "Mechanical vibration and shock -- Coupling forces at the man-- machine interface for hand-transmitted vibration" standard [13].
Therefore, from these results, the human response to vibration effects from the vibration magnitude of the tool handle is not the same. It can be understood that hand-arm vibration syndrome cannot prevented only with the vibration tool management.