Places for People use HAVWEAR to support their objective of a daily exposure to vibration being as low as reasonably practicable.
"Places for People Affordable Housing is committed to protecting employees from the harmful effects of Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) and Whole-body Vibration (WBV), by proactively developing controls which reduce their daily exposure to vibration.
We have taken steps to keep exposure levels to a minimum and reduce the risks to employees. All employees within Affordable Housing must not exceed the daily EAV for both hand arm vibration and whole-body vibration.
This means that employees should not exceed 100 HSE points in any one day and that their average daily exposure is under this level. We apply this principal when using any vibrating handheld equipment or whilst driving / operating equipment which may cause WBV.
“Using Reactec's HAVWEAR has provided us with very valuable data and has driven improvements throughout PfP. The Reactec data has led to procurement of a new tool contract and replacement of all power tools throughout our property maintenance teams.”
To support our objective of a daily exposure being as low as reasonably practicable, Reactec equipment was purchased and introduced in December 2019. Reactec was focused on the teams where the risk of exposure to vibration is highest. The effectiveness of the Reactec system has been regularly reviewed to ensure that the monitoring equipment is being used to its full potential.
Using Reactec's HAVWEAR has provided us with very valuable data and has driven improvements throughout PfP. The Reactec data has led to procurement of a new tool contract and replacement of all power tools throughout our property maintenance teams.
Following reviews of the data from Reactec, on a tool's assumed vibration versus the sensed data, PfP were able to adjust the assumed data to be more representative while remaining vigilant of the HSE's, appendix 3, 75th percentile tables. A very effective way of knowing that our employees’ risk was better understood than relying on manufacturer's data.
At PfP, we do work to a low daily average exposure and using Reactec, we have proven it can be done.
The use of Reactec's HAVWEAR allows our managers to monitor exposure and puts them and their staff in control. It also allows us to implement interventions and controls and monitor these for effectiveness.
Overall, we would recommend Reactec to any company seeking to manage their vibration risks."
"At PfP, we do work to a low daily average exposure and using Reactec, we have proven it can be done. The use of Reactec allows our managers to monitor exposure and puts them and their staff in control. It also allows us to implement interventions and controls and monitor these for effectiveness."
Advantages of Reactec vs manual recording
Advantages of Reactec's HAVWEAR
- HAVWEAR watch is pre-programmed at EAV=80 and ELV-100, therefore alert/ early warning when reaching 100 points and action can be taken before breaching 100 points.
- More accurate as power tools are fitted with pre-programmed tool tags
- Reactec measures vibration against manufacturers setting and sensed vibration
- Over time/ after usage of at least 3 hours per tool, can reduce the vibration settings based on actual data and comparative 75th percentile data from HSE
- No manual input required by Users
- Reduces User error as trigger time and tool selection is done via pre-programmed tool tags
- All data is collated and stored on the Reactec Platform and readily available in easy to understand and downloadable reports.
- No admin required to run and monitor usage and reports
- Tool usage data - Peaks and troughs/ anomalies in vibration can be easily tracked per tool and per Op. Using this can track/ identify if a tool is not performing well.
Disadvantages of Reactec's HAVWEAR
- Costs: Like any system there is an investment cost. For PfP this works out to be approximately £500 per person per year on a 3-year service contract. However, in context, this is a small outlay when keeping employees safe from the risks of vibration exposure.
- Initial set up is time consuming, with regards to programming and writing ID cards and Tool Tags
"The use of Reactec's HAVWEAR allows our managers to monitor exposure and puts them and their staff in control. It also allows us to implement interventions and controls and monitor these for effectiveness. Overall, we would recommend Reactec to any company seeking to manage their vibration risks."