An eco-system of tough wearables and cloud-based analytics that takes the guesswork out of HAVS prevention.
Even with all the right training, it's hard to know just how closely everyone is following health and safety protocols. Individuals taking more risk than you want could be damaging their health, and unchecked exposure could damage your organisation if litigation appears down the line.
The challenge is how to accurately measure the problem. Manual measures whether they be estimated tool time use or operator trigger time can only ever be that - estimations. With considerable margins of uncertainty, operators deemed low risk could be exceeding exposure limits on a regular basis.
Accurate HAVS exposure data from the field.
The R-Link smart watch measures real-time exposure in the field using sophisticated sensor and software technology. It is the UK's leading monitoring system for HAVS. Armed with accurate real-time data of what's actually going on in the field you're in a position to make the sort of decisions that will truly protect your workers long-term health.

Study: Assessing vibration risk effectively.
The diagram shows the results of a study conducted at a utility company to understand the effectiveness of a generic risk assessment of HAV exposure using our HAVWEAR wearable which was superseded by our third-generation R-Link smart watch in 2022. A number of 2 and 3 person teams were tasked with digging the same sized hole in the same type of road with the same tool. The average time, vibration levels and work sharing rules predicted a task risk assessment of 140 points. The graph shows the reality for each individual in terms of the maximum risk they faced. As you can see, 'Pete' was exposed to significantly more risk than his colleagues. The condition of the tool, the skill of the operator and the unpredictability of how teams share work mean any activity can have high levels of variability.
Learn More
To learn more about how our R-Link technology can help you, download the brochure today.
Best practice HAVS Monitoring
In July 2022, we launched our third-generation R-Link smart watch, which replaces our HAVWEAR wearable device with expanded functionality to protect workers from exposure to vibration and multiple worksite risks. The video illustrates how our second-generation HAVWEAR watch, and integrated eco-system of docking station gateways work in tandem with the Reactec Analytics reporting software to simply and effectively monitor HAV exposure.

Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome: the hidden risk to our workforce
The Telegraph interview Jacqui McLaughlin CEO, Reactec on why companies who undertake regular HAVS risk assessments and apply controls to reduce the risk think they are compliant - but data shows that this approach to managing the risk is simply not addressing the problem well enough. The interview demonstrates how our HAVS wearable technology (in this case, HAVWEAR) provides two detailed assessments of hand arm vibration exposure. One mode assesses the time on the tool, which meets the latest legislative requirements and HSE guidance whereas a second assessment provides a real-time insight into exposure to vibration. Both detailed assessments can be performed using our new R-Link smart watch.

ITN report on Reactec technology
ITN report on utility contractor utilising technology to manage HAVS risk using HAVWEAR, our second generation workplace wearable which was superseded by our new R-Link product in 2022.
An eco-system of hardware and analytics that takes the guesswork out of HAVS prevention.
Even with all the right training, it's hard to know just how closely everyone is following health and safety protocols. Individuals taking more risk than you want could be damaging their health, and unchecked exposure could damage your organisation if litigation appears down the line.
Learn more about our productsHAVS and the Hierarchy of Controls
HAVS prevention engineering in the workplace
The R-Link smart watch provides immediate feedback to the worker bringing consistency to your administrative controls around time sharing and job rotation. At the same time, Reactec Analytics data on actual tool performance informs your engineering controls around tool and accessory selection and maintenance.
In the real world of finite resources, let the Reactec Analytics data inform your highest risk processes and workers so that substitution and elimination efforts are targeted for best return. Move out of the territory of guesswork and into the place where real change is effected.
What R-Link & Reactec Analytics can do for you
Actively prevent HAV exposure in your workplace by moving to a system that uses real-time data insight to keep people out of harm's way.
- Automatic and seamless data collection and dissemination
- Remove guesswork with real-time assessment of risk
- Identify the source of exposure and prioritise high risk areas
- Ensures compliance with the control of vibration at work regulations 2005
- Tailored risk reports. Review controls and assess effectiveness
- GDPR compliant management of personal data
- Costs savings e.g maintenance planning and hire
Credible evidence to assist HAV litigation
- Auditable data support defence in claims of HAV exposure
- Individual daily exposure and tool usage reports
- Intervention recording
- Signature capture to acknowledge exposure data and interventions
- Reduced cost of individual exposure recording
Assess risk of HAV exposure
- Personal instead of generic risk management
- Real-time HAV exposure monitoring
- Practical. Can be deployed with small teams and scaled as appropriate
- Improved employee awareness
- Identify operator training needs
Why Reactec
Why choose Reactec? Learn more about our engineering expertise.HAVS ecosystem
How It Works
Tough hardware
A wrist-worn device to advise workers of tool vibration risk. The R-Link watch informs the wearer of their exposure by calculating and displaying in real-time their HSE risk assessment exposure points. Sound and vibration alerts inform the wearer if their personalised exposure thresholds have been exceeded.
Clever software
The data is centrally collected and analysed by our software. The HAVS data reports include individual worker exposure and related tool use to pinpoint exposure hot spots. These reports can help prioritise and aid the design and management of risk reduction controls. These controls are required by the HSE to fully comply with the control of vibration at work regulations.
Exposure monitoring methods
The Control of Vibration at Work 2005 Act states, 'your risk assessment should involve vibration magnitude probably experienced during tool use.' Even, at the time the legislation was written there was acceptance that a level of uncertainty remained because you couldn't take account of all other factors. However, the technology around today is more advanced than the measurement technology available then. Which is why our HAV watches give you the opportunity to capture two valuable points of measurement. Valuable in different ways.
TEP, the standard measure - and one you can use to capture an accurate time picture of tool use x the typical vibration magnitude set for that tool. Deemed by the HSE as an acceptable assessment measure.
However, our HAV watches also gather SEP data which we think is even more valuable as it allows you to see real differences between people, and between individual tools.
SEP gives you a reading for each worker that reflects the real use by a real person - i.e taking account of probable factors such as tool usage experience. Rather than simply taking the typical measure as set by the standards.
Combined, the insight you gain from the two data sets allow you to see what's actually going on so that you can get on the front foot and do even more to reduce risk to as low as is reasonably practical.